Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Main guitar
Electric Guitar (jazz]

Electric Guitar (jazz]

Lead 5 (charang]

Electric Bass (finger]

I hate the rain and sun-ny weath-er. And I, I hate the beach and moun-tains too, boo hoo. And I donґt like a thing a-bout the cit-y no, no. And I I I hate the coun-try-side too. And I hate ev-ґry-thing a-bout you. Ev-ґry-thing a-bout you. And And I get sick when Iґm a-round, I canґt stand to be a-round, I hate ev-ґry-thing a-bout you. Ev-ґry-thing a-bout you. Hate ev-ґry-thing a-bout you. Ev-ґry-thing a-bout you. Some say I got a bad at-ti-tude, but that donґt change the way I feel a-bout you. And if you think this might be bring-inґ me down, look a-gain ґcause I ainґt wear-inґ no frown. Get down! Well, I donґt real-ly care a-bout your sis-ter, for-get the lit-tle bitch ґcause I al-read-y kissed her. One thing that I did to your old la-dy, put her on the bed and she did-nґt say may-be. I know, you know, evґ-ґry-bod-y knows, the way it comes, the way itґs gon-na go. You think itґs sad, well thatґs to bad, ґcause Iґm hav-inґ a ball hat-inґ ev-ґry lit-tle thing a-bout you, ha ha! Ev-ґry-thing a-bout you. Ev-ґry-thing a-bout... I get sick when Iґm a-round, I canґt stand to be a-round, I hate ev-ґry-thing a-bout you, ha ha. I donґt like a thing about your mot-her And I, I hate your da-ddyґs guts too , boo hoo. And I donґt like a thing a-bout your sis-ter, no, no. ґCause I, I, I think sex is over-ated too.